FIRST Championship

Going to the FIRST Championships for FRC was something that our team never really planned to happen, but we couldn't be more grateful that we did. As a rookie team, we wanted to do well and have a good first year and we certainly met all of our goals! Going to Houston was an unforgettable experience, and something that our team will cherish forever. Not only was it incredible to compete on such a large scale, but being able to meet with all the other fantastic teams was like nothing else. We got to talk with teams from all across the world, competing with people from West Africa, Brazil, Australia, Canada, and Mexico, to name a few places as well as teams from across the United States. There is nothing that can describe the energy of being in a room full of brilliant, innovative, people who care about something just as much as you do. That vibrancy and excitement is tangible, and not to be too on theme, it certainly gets you charged up! We are so thankful for everything we learned and got to experience at Worlds. Not only was this a chance to compete but this was a chance to learn, collaborate, and connect with people. After all, FIRST is more than just robots, and 9015 is glad to be a part of it all.


2023 Off-Season Recap


FMA District Championship