FMA Allentown Event

On March 8th-10th Questionable Engineering started off the 2024 Crescendo Competition Season at Allentown High School for the Allentown District Event. Our team competed in 12 qualification matches with a 6-6-0 record. Our pit crew, drive team, scouts, and award team worked diligently the entire weekend. The team ranked 13th and was the 1st pick of Alliance 3. There, we competed with Alliance Caption Team 555, Montclair Robotics, Team 8628 Newark School of Global Studies, and Team 6897, Astraea Robotics. As a second year team, we had our hopes set high for our 5th ever on-season robotics event. QE ended the night winning the Engineering Inspiration Award! Additionally, Sofia M, Lead of QE’s Media and Design qualified to be a District Championship Dean’s List Semi-Finalist! We all had a great time at our first competition for the 2024 Crescendo Season and cannot wait for our second event in 1 week at Bensalem High School!


FMA Bensalem Event


Liberty Science Center