Liberty Science Center

Questionable Engineering was back at Liberty Science Center again from February 17th-18th for their Engineering Weekend! After a successful outreach event with Liberty Science Center in December, we were excited to be invited back! 

The team occupied the foyer with our 3v3 XRP minibots soccer game that simulates an FRC match. Near the entrance, we also had Oscar the TrashCan Robot driven by children of all ages, documents displaying our team and prototype process, and our 2023 robot matches playing on a monitor. Additionally, QE occupied the entire second floor of the STEM museum with our 2024 robot demonstration. We had Crescendo game field elements manufactured by Eastern Millwork present allowing our Drive Team the opportunity to do some driver practice. Spectators got to see students build, repair, and test drive the robot in preparation for competition. 

We had a great time introducing our community to our 2024 competition robot, STEM, FIRST, and the prototyping process. We hope to be able to come back soon and provide the opportunity to interact with our robots and spark their curiosity in STEM.


FMA Allentown Event

